New .AU rules - applicable from April 12 2021
From April 12 2021, the new rules will apply to new registrations and to current domains when they are renewing. If your domain is not compliant, it will be subject to deletion by the Registry.
- .COM.AU and .NET.AU changes: If an Australian trademark is used as the basis for meeting the Australian presence requirement, the domain name must be an exact match to the trademark (excluding TLD identifiers such as .COM.AU, punctuation marks, articles such as ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘and ’or ‘of’; and ampersands).
- .ORG.AU changes: Unincorporated associations are no longer eligible. The only exception is where an unincorporated association appears on the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission’s (ACNC) Register of Charities.
- .ID.AU changes (in late 2021): It is no longer allowed to register a name that refers to a personal interest or a hobby.
- Prohibition of renting, leasing or selling: Renting or leasing your .AU domain name to a third party is prohibited. Selling, renting or leasing any sub-domain is also prohibited.
You can know more about these news rules on the registry website: https://www.auda.org.au/au-domain-names/new-au-licensing-rules
Rules and particularities of .au domain names

Terms and Conditions
.COM.AU and .NET.AU domain names are open to legal persons, trading, partnerships or sole traders registered in Australia, to foreign companies licensed to trade in Australia and to owners or applicants of an Australian registered trademark.
.ORG.AU domain names are open to associations incorporated in any Australian State or Territory, political parties registered with the Australian Electoral Commission, trade unions or other organizations registered under the Workplace Relations Act 1996, sporting or special interest clubs operating in Australia, charities operating in Australia as defined in their constitution or other documents of incorporation, non-profit organizations operating in Australia as defined in their constitution or other documents of incorporation.
.ID.AU domain names are open to Australian citizens and Australian residents.
The chosen domain name must be identical to your name as registered with the relevant Australian authorities, or to its abbreviation or acronym. The domain name may be also closely and substantially connected to your activity (e.g. match to a product that you sell, to a service that you provide...). For .COM.AU and .NET.AU registrations based on a trademark, the domain name must be strictly identical to your trademark.
Syntax: From 2 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place).
IDN (accented domain names): No.
Registration period: 1 to 5 years.
Second-level extensions: Yes, Gandi provides .COM.AU, .NET.AU, .ORG.AU and .ID.AU.
Registration: During the registration process, you have to provide:
- your registration type (except for .ID.AU): ABN (Australian Business Number), ACN (Australian Company Number), or TM (Trademark) if the domain name corresponds to your trademark, and
- your registration number corresponding to the registration type declared - your ID number for .ID.AU.
FAQ (よくある質問)
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