.lv 网域名称的规则与细节

由Gandi.net管理的 .LV域名
委任: Gandi从2011年7月起获得Nic.lv委任。服务条款
分配: 所有人皆可注册 .LV 域名语法: 2至63个英数符号或1个连字符号(开头与结尾位置不得为连字符号)
IDN(特殊字元域名): 不支援(非由Gandi管理)
注册年限: 1年
子域名: 是(com.lv、net.lv、org.lv)
第二层网域: 支援 (com.lv, net.lv, org.lv)
Registration:during the registration process, please indicate:- for legal persons your company registration number,
- for Latvian residents your person code.
The administrative contact must be an individual. If the owner contact is an individual, the administrative contact must correspond to the owner contact.
Renewal: no later than 2 days before the expiration date
Disputes: the Registry does not have any particular dispute resolution policy in place
Transfer (change of Registrar): the request is launched from the website of the domain's new registrar. Be sure that you have the domain's auth code (which you must get from the former registrar), that your domain name will not expire in less than 35 days and that it was created at least 60 days prior to the request. The transfer of a .LV domain name does not change the domain's expiration date
Change of Ownership: requires the provision of Gandi ownership change form with the required proofs of identity. Expiration date remains unchanged.
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days
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