若要註冊此域名需訂閱 Gandi 企業客戶服務。
此域名只開放有訂閱 Gandi 企業客戶服務的顧客註冊,請聯絡我們的企業客戶服務團隊以瞭解詳情。
.ar 網域名稱的規則與細節

分配: 您無法直接註冊 .AR 域名。 .COM.AR為公開域名,但必須在申請區域有當地聯絡人,如有需要Gandi可為您提供。在註冊期間,您需提供證件號碼。對個人而言,這可以是護照號碼、身分證字號、或駕照號碼。對公司和機構而言,可提供稅籍號碼或加值稅編號。語法:IDN: 無
註冊年限: 最少 1 年
第二層網域: 是
.AR second level domain name opening:- A Landrush phase will run from November 25th 2019 to January 23rd 2020. During this phase, domain names are not allocated under the first come first served basis, they are allocated at the end of the Landrush phase. If several applicants have requested the same domain name, a draw will assign the domain name. In case the domain name is not allocated to you, you will be not entitled to receive any refund. All registration requests made between these dates will be subject to Landrush phase.
- The general opening will occur February 23rd 2020. At this time domain names will be available under the first come first served basis. All registration requests made between the end of the Landrush and the beginning of the general opening, will be stored and sent to the Registry only at the time of the beginning of the general opening.
常見問題 FAQ
Gandi 提供數種簡單且高品質的代管方案:
Explore our various services:
- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
- Gandi 提供超過 750 種的網域名稱
- 選擇註冊新頂級域名
- WHOIS資料庫:查詢域名聯絡人的公開資料
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