Introducing Gandi's WHOIS
How can you find domain information using Gandi’s WHOIS lookup tool?
Though there is an abundance of WHOIS lookup tools online, we have decided to create our own free WHOIS domain lookup tool which we have designed to be as simple to use as possible. All you have to do after opening our WHOIS lookup page is to search for the domain name you want to know more about. The WHOIS domain lookup tool will output every piece of information you need, presented in a clear and readable way.
WHOIS lookup is the easiest way to check the availability of a domain. If it happens to be taken, you always have the option to contact its owner using their contact information you find using our WHOIS lookup tool, and maybe directly negotiate a purchase. The WHOIS domain lookup might indicate that the domain name you’re looking for points to an abandoned website. In that case, it might simply be available for purchase again when it reaches its expiration date. In this case, you will be able to acquire it just like you would any other new domain name.
What information shows up in a WHOIS lookup result?
Using our WHOIS domain lookup tool, you can see where a domain is registered, which DNS servers the domain name redirects to, its creation, renewal, and expiration dates, as well as other contact information, all of which allows you to contact its owner, or even transfer the domain name to another registrar if it’s one that’s already in your possession.
However, not every piece of domain information is made public in a WHOIS lookup. Depending on the domain ending, also known as a TLD, you may be able to use WHOIS domain lookup privacy features that allow you to hide some of your domain name information in a WHOIS lookup. At Gandi, you can protect sensitive data from WHOIS lookup tools for all eligible domain names for free.
If you already own a domain, a WHOIS lookup is a great way to check what information is publicly visible when others do a domain lookup. Making sure everything that appears in a WHOIS domain lookup is accurate is also very important in a legal context, but also in order to facilitate future domain name transfers. WHOIS lookup is also an easy way to make sure your domain has been properly renewed since the domain lookup results will show your domain's expiration date.
FAQ / frequently asked questions
How do I see information about domain names?
Use our free WHOIS domain lookup service to see information about domain names. By doing a WHOIS lookup, you can see who owns a particular domain and get information about when the domain expired, its status, and more. You can use these WHOIS lookup results to find whether domains are available or get information about domains you might want to buy — all thanks to our WHOIS domain lookup.
Where can I see details about a domain?
Use our WHOIS domain lookup tool to get information about a domain. Do a WHOIS domain lookup and get details about the owner, when the domain expires, when it was created, etc. in your WHOIS lookup results. Use these domain lookup results to find out which domains are available or use the WHOIS lookup to get information about domains you may want to purchase.
VPS or web hosting?
Generally, a web hosting plan is the simplest way to host a site. Web hosting doesn't give a lot of control of the hosting infrastructure to the owner of the website. Which is great if you're not a technical expert, but those looking to more finely tune their use of resources, and control their hosting environment should consider using cloud hosting, a VPS, or dedicated hosting.
What are Gandi's mail hosting services?
Choose an email address based on your domain and take advantage of secure email accounts that let you easily manage your emails on any platform. Our email hosting options:
- Standard email
- Premium email