.swiss domain names



.swiss is a generic extension to promote the Swiss community

It includes

  • a free SSL certificate to secure your domain
  • LiveDNS nameservers Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 aliases and forwarding addresses

Why .swiss?

Assert your identity with a .swiss domain name

The .swiss domain ending is exclusively dedicated to promoting the Swiss community. Only organizations and individuals located in Switzerland can register a .swiss domain name.

Using a .swiss domain name helps you assert your identity and further establish your proximity to your website visitors.

Get greater visibility with a .swiss domain name

Domain names ending in .swiss are extremely targeted in terms of audience. This domain name lets internet users easily identify you. A .swiss domain name also offers you a point of departure from which to enjoy an optimum search engine ranking. Sleek and professional, a .swiss domain name ensures you can quickly gain greater visibility.

Easily register and manage your .swiss domain name

You can register your .swiss domain name any time you want for 1 to 10 years, simply by indicating:

  • The reason for your registartion and the projected use of your domain name
  • Enterprise Identification Number UID or Your Swiss social insurance number (OASI/ AHV/ AVS) in the form of UPI (Universal Person Identification) if you are an individual.

If you already have a .swiss domain name, transferring it is easy and will extend your registration for one year.

.swiss domain prices



per year
  • From 1 to 10 years



  • 最短期間分ドメイン名を更新



per year
  • From 1 to 9 years
  • Late renewal (domain suspended): 45 days after the domain's expiration date - $348.45
Pricing Options Prices for Canada, taxes excluded, in $ (CAD)

Other prices and periods


30 days after the late renewal period


the first year, then renewal at normal price

Owner Change



Period before release

Pending Delete

5 days

after the restoration period

Rules and particularities of .swiss domain names

Technical operator
Creation date


Related Contract

View the .swiss contract

.swiss domain names at Gandi.net

Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited .swiss since August 2015

Terms and Conditions

Assigning: .swiss domain names are open to legal entities with sufficient link to Switzerland, and to natural persons domiciled in Switzerland and Swiss nationals.
The name applied for must legitimately be considered as objectively linked to the applicant or the intended use of the domain name. Generic terms are not available to registration (without prejudice to be eligible under the naming mandate program)

Syntax: from 3 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place)

IDN (accented domain names): latin script

Registration period: 1 to 10 years for general opening, 1 year for launch phase

Second-level extensions: no


Registration: During the registration, you have to indicate:

- the reason of your registration and the intended use of your domain name

- your “enterprise ID” or Your Swiss social insurance number (OASI/ AHV/ AVS) in the form of UPI (Universal Person Identification) if you are an individual.

Once Your .swiss domain name application is submitted, the Registry will proceed to validation of the registrant contact as well as a preliminary examination of whether the application complies with the eligibility rules. Then the domain is published for 20 days during which applicants may submit a registration application for this same domain name.

Launch phase: All launch phases will run simultaneously with the following priority order

1. Sunrise TMCH

2. other prior rights: You have to chose the Sunrise phase without uploading SMD file. To verify your eligibility, we may request from you additional information

- names matching Indications of Source and Geographical Indications in Switzerland recognized by Swiss Law or by International Treaties in which Switzerland is a member,

All applications received during the launch phases are subject to a publication period ending 20 calendar days after the last domain applied for in launch phase has been validated and published. Until the end of those 20 days, any domain applied for may still be applied for by other parties.

Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date

Disputes: URS and UDRP

Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, will not expire soon, is older than 60 days and has not been transferred in the last 60 days. The effective transfer depends on your validation (by e-mail) and renews the domain for 1 year

Change of Ownership: available on our interface

Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table

Frequently Asked Questions

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