.cm domain names



.cm is the official ccTLD of Cameroon.

It includes

  • a free SSL certificate to secure your domain
  • LiveDNS nameservers Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 aliases and forwarding addresses

Why .cm?

Better localize yourself with a .cm domain name

Buying a .cm domain name, the national domain ending for the Republic of Cameroon, gives you a short and sleek URL that internet users will immediately identify with Cameroon. This domain ending is available to everyone, including:

  • Businesses
  • Associations
  • Official organizations
  • Individuals

You can also share all types of content with a .cm domain name: videos, blogs, news, etc.

Protect your brand name with a .cm domain name

Due to its similarity to .com, .cm can be used to register a domain name not available in .com. If you already have a .com related to your brand name or the name of your business, you might also want to protect your online identity by registering the .cm equivalent.

Easily register your .cm domain name

Registering a .cm domain name doens't involve any particular conditions or restrictions, and .cm domain names are available on a first come, first served basis. You can register your .cm domain name in just a few clicks, and registration is open to anyone for a period of 1 to 5 years. You can also transfer your existing .cm domain name to Gandi and extend your renewal date by one year.

.cm domain prices



per year
  • From 1 to 5 years



  • Renews the domains for the minimum allowed duration



per year
  • From 1 to 4 years
Pricing Options Prices for India, taxes excluded, in ₹ (INR)

Other prices and periods


Contact us

Owner Change


Does not change the expiration date

Rules and particularities of .cm domain names


ANTIC (National Agency of Technologies of Information and Communications)

Creation date


Related Contract

View the .cm contract

.cm domain names at Gandi.net

Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited by NETCOM.cm since August 2012.

Terms and Conditions

Assigning: .cm domain names are open to everyone.

Syntax: From 2 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place).

IDN (accented domain names): No.

Registration period: 1 to 5 years.

Second-level extensions: No.


Renewal: No later than 2 days before the expiration date.

Disputes: The Registry does not have any particular dispute resolution policy in place concerning .cm domain names.

Transfer (change of Registrar): The request is launched from the website of the domain's new registrar. Be sure that you have the domain's auth code (which you must get from the former registrar), that the domain's status is not "TransferProhibited", and that it does not expire soon. The transfer renews the domain for 1 year.

Change of Ownership: Available on our interface, the procedure consists in email confirmation by both former and new domain name owner. The expiration date remains unchanged.

Deletion process: No quarantine period. If the domain is not renewed before the deadline, it will be deleted 1 day before its expiration date, see this table.

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