.at domain names


the .AT ccTLD is the official TLD for Austria

It includes

  • a free SSL certificate to secure your domain
  • LiveDNS nameservers Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 aliases and forwarding addresses

Why .at?

The advantages of .at

Originally, .at is the country-specific domain ending for Austria. As a result, .at has a European dimension to it and can be especially useful for any businesses and individuals looking for particular visibility with German-speaking internet users. It's not actually required to live in Austria or have your business based there in order to register a .at domain name.

A .at domain name is especially well-suited to European businesses

Like other geographic domain endings from countries in the European Union, .at is popular with businesses trying to expand in the European market online, particularly amongst the German-speaking public. This domain ending can also be used as a "domain hack," that is, by using it to form a complete phrase in a domain name. For example: look.at or point.at.

Promote your business with a .at domain name

Besides its use as Austria's official domain ending, .at is a useful tool for creating an online showcase, and at an international scale. Easy to remember in several languages, internet users will know how to find your .at website with no problem, and you'll enjoy good search engine rankings.

.at domain prices



per year
  • For 1 year



  • Does not change the expiration date



per year
  • For 1 year
Pricing Options Prices for New Zealand, taxes excluded, in $ (NZD)

Other prices and periods


59 days after the late renewal period


the first year, then renewal at normal price

Owner Change


Does not change the expiration date

Rules and particularities of .at domain names

Creation date

Related Contract

View the .at contract

.AT domain names at Gandi.net

Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited NIC.AT since February 2008

Terms and conditions

Assigning: anyone can register a .AT domain name
Syntax: from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphen (except in first and last place and except names beginning with two characters followed by two hyphens)
IDN: yes
Registration period: 1 year
Second-level extensions: yes, co.at and or.at


Renewal: no later than 3 days before the expiration date
Disputes: rules about legal issues, the Registry does not have any particular dispute resolution procedure in place concerning .AT domain names
Transfer (change of registrar): the request is launched from the website of the domain's new registrar. Be sure that you have the domain's auth code (which you must get from the former registrar) and that the domain does not expire soon. The transfer must be confirmed by email and the expiration date remains unchanged
Change of owner: requires Gandi's owner change form with proofs of ID. The expiration date remains unchanged
Deletion: quarantine of 59 days, see this table

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