.ie domain names


.IE is the official ccTLD of Ireland

It includes

  • a free SSL certificate to secure your domain
  • LiveDNS nameservers Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 aliases and forwarding addresses

Why .ie?

Why should you want to register a .ie domain name?

The national domain ending of Ireland, a northern European country with a population of nearly 5 million, a .ie domain name can be registered by businesses, organizations, and private individuals regardless of their nationality or country of residence. However, .ie is especially useful for reaching an Irish audience, or even a British one, since the two countries have many commercial, economic, and cultural ties.

A guaranteed international outlook with a .ie domain name

As in most countries where the national language is English, Irish businesses have a major advantage when offering content in a language understood by the majority of internet users: just like sites with British or American domain endings, pages that use the Irish domain ending .ie have a greater chance of being visited by an international audience.

Promote your business with a .ie domain name

By choosing a .ie domain name, you'll not only have access to a large English-speaking public, but you'll also be able to create your site with the domain name you want, since .ie is not as widely used as traditional domain endings and other European geographic domain endings.

.ie domain prices



per year
  • From 1 to 10 years



  • Renews the domains for the minimum allowed duration



per year
  • From 1 to 9 years
  • Late renewal (domain suspended): 45 days after the domain's expiration date - $55.98
Pricing Options Prices for United States, taxes excluded, in $ (USD)

Other prices and periods


30 days after the late renewal period


the first year, then renewal at normal price

Owner Change


Does not change the expiration date

Period before release

Pending Delete

5 days

after the restoration period

Rules and particularities of .ie domain names

Creation date

Related Contract

View the .ie contract

.IE domain names on Gandi.net

Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited for .IE since January 2016.

Terms and Conditions

Assigning: .IE domain names are open to persons having a real and substantive connection with Ireland (see Registration policy - 2. Registration and Naming Policy Statement).
Syntax: from 3 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place).
IDN (accented domain names): yes.
Registration period: 1 to 10 years.
Second-level extensions: no.


Registration:during your registration request, you have to indicate the following information:
- The registrant type (Irish company, Irish charity or Other),
- If you are an Irish company, your CRO number,
- If you are an Irish charity, your charity number,
- Other registrant type may provide, optionally, any number supporting their eligibility.
The Registry may require any other supporting information or document in order to prove your eligibility, in particular your connection with Ireland. In that case Gandi will contact you by email. These documents will have to be provided to the Registry within 27 days following your registration request.
Renewal : domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date.
Disputes: Dispute resolution policy.
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. The transfer renews the domain name for 1 year.
Change of Ownership: available on our interface. The expiration date remains unchanged.
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table.

Frequently Asked Questions

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To help secure your website, make use of an SSL certificate from among our offer :

We make the Nextcloud open-source platform easy to install and use. It lets you store, share, and easily engage in collaborative work. It's a great way to control your data online.

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