Alojamiento para sitios web con PHP

Alojamiento web para sitios con PHP: ¿la opción más segura?

25 years ago programmer Rasmus Lerdorf released version one of the PHP programming language. Initially, PHP was nothing but a software library Lerdorf had written for PERL for his own personal use. Despite its humble beginnings, this new language was immediately met with a lot of excitement. Its popularity couldn’t be more obvious today, as PHP is one of the most commonly used open-source languages in web development and PHP hosting is one of the most common types of hosting. But why opt for PHP web hosting when you deploy a new website? What advantages are there to choosing PHP web hosting?

Escoja un plan de alojamiento para su sitio web con PHP

2 months free


18,15 € /month incl. VAT
  • Domain name included
  • 1 website maximum
  • Up to 1 CPU/ 256 MB
  • 20GB storage
Most popular


24,20 € /month incl. VAT
  • Domain name included
  • 5 websites max recommended
  • Up to 2 CPU/up to 512 MB
  • 50GB storage


30,25 € /month incl. VAT
  • Domain name included
  • 10 websites max recommended
  • Up to 3 CPU/up to 1 GB
  • 100GB storage


36,30 € /month incl. VAT
  • Domain name included
  • 15 websites or more
  • Up to 4 CPU/up to 4 GB (upgradable to 8 CPU/up to 16 GB)
  • 200GB storage (upgradable to 1 TB)
Pricing Options Prices for España, taxes included, in € (EUR)

Cada plan de alojamiento web incluye lo siguiente:

  • Free domain name registration included
  • Certificados TLS/SSL de alojamiento PHP gratuitos.
  • Banda ancha ilimitada.
  • Asociación automática a sus nombres de dominio.
  • Acelerador web Varnish.
  • Soporte técnico por correo electrónico.

Alojamiento para sitios web con PHP a través de Gandi

¿En qué consiste el servicio de alojamiento web para sitios con PHP?

PHP, a recursive acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor,” is the name of a programming language. This open-source scripting language can be used to develop dynamic applications and webpages. Coupled with hosting infrastructure, PHP web hosting options make it even easier to get started with this language. Today, many content management systems (CMSes) such as WordPress and PrestaShop are written in PHP and run on top of its frameworks (Symfony, Laravel, Zend…). These CMSes require PHP hosting to run, so even if you're not a developer, PHP web hosting can help you easily create your WordPress blog. The ubiquity of PHP in the online world has lead to the existence of a wide selection of PHP hosting solutions.

Si bien se han publicado muchas versiones de PHP desde 1994, no fue sino hasta 1997 que logró consolidarse: dos estudiantes, Andi Gutmans y Zeev Suraski, marcaron un hito al crear PHP 3 —la versión más sofisticada del lenguaje en aquél entonces— y fundar Zend Technologies. Hoy, 25 años después, la séptima versión de PHP está disponible en la mayoría de plataformas de alojamiento. PHP 7 no solo presenta un funcionamiento más óptimo que el de sus predecesores, sino que también ha logrado reducir considerablemente el tiempo de carga de las páginas web.

Es muy poco común encontrar soluciones de alojamiento gratuitas para sitios web con PHP, ya que el alojamiento web, por definición, requiere los recursos de un servidor. No obstante, puede escoger entre distintas opciones de bajo costo, pero buena calidad.

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de optar por un servicio de alojamiento web compatible con PHP?

PHP hosting services are usually compatible with all the lastest versions of PHP. Currently, the versions supported for PHP hosting are typically PHP 5.6 as well as each declination of PHP 7. The version of PHP you'll need for your PHP web hosting will depend on how you'll use it. If you're planning to use a particular CMS, check the PHP version requirements and be sure to choose the right version of PHP when creating your PHP hosting.

Disfrute de mayor autonomía

To web developers, PHP is something of a comfort language that allows for a great degree of control. With these features, developers do not need to type thousands of lines code to generate a new webpage. Instead, they’re able to automate a large part of the process to save significant amounts of time when deploying a new website. PHP hosting simplifies the process even more by pre-installing PHP on your hosting instance for free. PHP hosting where the language comes pre-installed makes your life easy. Once your hosting instance ready you can link it very easily to your domain name too.

Disfrute de un mejor rendimiento

Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, las nuevas versiones de PHP han evolucionado de modo tal que han reducido de forma considerable los tiempos de carga. Tan así es que dicho lenguaje ha sabido imponerse sobre sus competidores —como Java— gracias a su gran rendimiento. Es bien sabido que los sitios web con mayor velocidad de carga atraen y retienen a más usuarios, por lo que las soluciones de alojamiento compatibles con PHP están diseñadas para garantizar que tenga el mayor rendimiento posible. Es muy poco común dichas soluciones sean gratuitas, ya que el alojamiento web, por definición, requiere los recursos de un servidor. Sin embargo, nosotros le ofrecemos una solución estándar en la que PHP viene preinstalado, sin ningún costo adicional.

Disfrute de mayor seguridad

Cabe recalcar, por último, que todas nuestras soluciones de alojamiento compatibles con PHP incluyen certificados SSL gratuitos, lo que le permitirá cifrar todas las interacciones entre sus usuarios y su instancia de alojamiento web. De este modo, podrá velar por la confidencialidad y la seguridad de sus aplicaciones de forma más rigurosa.

PHP hosting is now more than just an essential part of the web ecosystem; it has also become the way to go for web developers wanting simple and intuitive access to both the PHP programming language and databases such as MySQL. Developers prefer to have PHP installed automatically on specific PHP hosting, rather than having to install it on their own. PHP is a relatively simple language to learn, even for inexperienced developers, broadening the appeal of PHP web hosting to less technical users. PHP is also entirely free, just like the other software components the LAMP stack is comprised of (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Today, most websites use PHP because of its many advantages and exceptional performance. With PHP hosting, you can also benefit from these advantages.

Preguntas frecuentes

Carefully choose a PHP hosting pack that's large enough to support the traffic your site will be receiving. Here's how to get a PaaS server for PHP hosting online with us in just a few minutes.

WordPress requiere PHP y mySQL, opciones de configuración que puede seleccionar con la oferta estándar de Gandi. El tamaño del plan de alojamiento web que escoja dependerá de cuán grande sea su sitio con PHP y de cuánto tráfico reciba. Por otra parte, puede configurar una solución de alojamiento dedicado para WordPress, idéntica a nuestra opción estándar de alojamiento web. El proceso es automático y dura pocos minutos.

Elija su opción de alojamiento web ideal entre los siguientes paquetes:

  • Starter: For WordPress only
  • Advanced: ideal for CMSes and blogs with a low amount of traffic
  • Pro: great for dynamic sites or e-commerce sites with a moderate amount of traffic
  • Business: for high-traffic e-commerce sites and blogs

Not sure which to try? If you don't know how many visitors will go to your site, no worries. From Gandi's administrative interface, you can easily upgrade your website hosting. We suggest starting with an Advanced pack and upgrade to a higher plan if you see that you need more power to handle the number of visitors to your websites.

Generally, a web hosting plan is the simplest way to host a site. Web hosting doesn't give a lot of control of the hosting infrastructure to the owner of the website, but gives you the option to choose if you want PHP hosting where PHP comes pre-installed, which is great if you're not a technical expert. Those looking to more finely tune their use of resources, and control their hosting environment should consider using cloud hosting, a VPS, or dedicated hosting.

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