.be ドメインについて
.be ドメインで信頼を表す
People associate a .BE domain name with quality and consider a website with an official national extension to be safe and reliable.
The .BE brings trust in your brand, your product or whatever else you want to promote on your website.
As the national extension of Belgium, the .BE extension strengthens your notoriety.
.be でドメイン名を選ぶ
If you want to reach Belgians and access the Belgian market with your company or if you have a department in Belgium, the .BE is the best choice.
In addition, Belgian Internet users who are looking for your organization or your product will spontaneously try to find you by associating your domain name with .BE in their request.
And because a .BE domain name is so natural in Belgium, it is also favored by Google for the ranking of search results in Belgium. A .BE domain name can therefore generate more visits to your site and better positions in the search results.
.be ドメインの利点
The .BE is the # 1 extension for companies, entrepreneurs and individuals in Belgium, because:
- .BE brings trust and quality thanks to its ccTLD status (country code top level domain)
- the .BE is the Belgian extension in essence to stand out or position itself as a local company
- the .BE allows you to register a relevant and memorable domain name for a Belgian store or online service
Rules and particularities of .be domain names
Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited by DNS.BE since august 2002
Number of domains managed by Gandi: more than 27 000 .BE as of December 1st 2012
登録資格: .BEドメインは誰でも登録可能です。
登録可能文字: 3文字から63文字のアルファベットもしくはハイフン (登録するドメイン名の一番最初と最後でのハイフンの使用は不可)
IDN(国際化ドメイン名): 使用可能です。
登録期間: 1年間。
セカンドレベルドメイン: 利用不可
紛争: ドメイン名の紛争について
移管(レジストラの変更):.be レジストリから auth code (移管用認証コード) に関するメールが送信されます。ドメインを移管する新しいレジストラのウェブサイトから移管リクエストを行うことができます。移管申請前にドメイン名が TransferProhibited のステータスであることをご確認ください。
所有者の変更:Gandiウェブサイト上で変更可能。レジストリから新しい所有者宛にauth code (移管用認証コード) が送信されます。
FAQ (よくある質問)
Explore our various services:
- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
- See all the domain name extensions (over 750) we offer
- 新しいトップレベルドメイン
- WHOISでドメイン名の情報を確認
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