Rules and particularities of .hamburg domain names
.HAMBURG domain names at
Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited by Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH since July 2014Terms and Conditions
Assigning: .HAMBURG domain names are open to any natural person, legal person, organization or association of persons, if they can demonstrate that they have an economic, cultural, historical, social or any other connection to the metropolitan area of Hamburg verifiable by:-their residence or second home, office or place of business, a branch or permanent establishment in the metropolitan area of Hamburg, or
-a contact listed in the Whois database with a domicile in the metropolitan area of Hamburg, or
-other appropriate proof e.g the certification by an employer or proof of enrollment at a school or college, or birth certificate
In addition, the domain name must be put to use in the 12 months following the registration
Syntax: from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place and the third and fourth place too)
IDN (accented domain names): yes
Registration period: 1 year during Sunrise and Limited Registration Period 1 to 10 years during General Availability
Second-level extensions: no
Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration dateDisputes: policy / UDRPpolicy / URS
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, will not expire in less than 90 days, is older than 60 days and was not transferred the past 60 days. The successful transfer depends on your validation (by e-mail), and will renew the domain for 1 year.
Change of Ownership: available online via our website. The expiration date remains unchanged
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table
FAQ (よくある質問)
Explore our various services:
- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
- See all the domain name extensions (over 750) we offer
- 新しいトップレベルドメイン
- WHOISでドメイン名の情報を確認
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