Rules and particularities of .ru domain names

.RU domain names at Gandi.net
Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited by RU-Center since March 2009Terms and Conditions
Assigning: .RU is open to everyoneSyntax: from 2 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (other than in first or last position)
IDN: no
Registration period: 1 year
Second-level extensions: yes (.com.ru, .net.ru, .org.ru, .pp.ru, .msk.ru, .spb.ru)
Registration: to registere a .RU domain name, please indicate:- for individuals: your passport number, its issue date and the issuing authority (including country) and your birthdate
- for legal persons: provide your incorporation number. (The address associated with your Gandi account must correspond to your legal address.)
At any time, RU-Center may contact you for a verification of your personal data and require additional documents to be provided within a deadline of 7 days, failing this your .RU domain name can be deleted.
In addition the nameservers (DNS) must be correctly configured for the associated domain name, such that they pass the zone check of RU-Center
Renewal: no later than 3 days before its expiration date
Disputes: no alternative process, see the explanations of the registry
Transfer (change of Registrar): the transfer-in process may be initiated on our Interface. In case of a transfer from an accredited Registrar other than RU-CENTER an authorization code (supplied by Your current Registrar) is required. In case of a transfer from RU-CENTER or a RU-CENTER partner the procedure is manual and requires supporting documents, please contact our customer service department. Before any request, please be sure that: your domain name does not expire soon and the last transfer and the last owner change have been done since more than 30 days (in case of transfer between RU-Center and a RU-Center Partner or between RU-Center Partners, in principle these deadlines do not apply). The transfer of a .RU domain name does not change the domain's expiration date.
Change of owner: owner changes are not available on our website, please contact our customer service department. The procedure requires supporting documents. Before any request, please be sure that your domain name does not expire soon , and the last transfer and the last owner change were done sooner than 30 days prior. The owner change of a .RU domain name does not change the domain's expiration date
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table
FAQ (よくある質問)
Explore our various services:
- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
- See all the domain name extensions (over 750) we offer
- 新しいトップレベルドメイン
- WHOISでドメイン名の情報を確認
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