Drupal レンタルサーバー

Drupal 向けレンタルサーバー

Thanks to its ‘front end’ interface, Drupal offers a highly intuitive experience, and its user-friendliness truly makes it stand out. Perfect for creating feature-rich websites, this CMS is particularly modular and lends itself to the development of more complex and more customized web platforms. The best Drupal hosting options are highly flexible and reliable in addition to possessing the basic technical requirements for Drupal hosting.

Select your plan for Drupal web hosting

2 months free


2,100円 月ごと
  • Domain name included
  • 1 website maximum
  • Up to 1 CPU/ 256 MB
  • 20GB storage
Most popular


2,800円 月ごと
  • Domain name included
  • 5 websites max recommended
  • Up to 2 CPU/up to 512 MB
  • 50GB storage


3,500円 月ごと
  • Domain name included
  • 10 websites max recommended
  • Up to 3 CPU/up to 1 GB
  • 100GB storage


4,200円 月ごと
  • Domain name included
  • 15 websites or more
  • Up to 4 CPU/up to 4 GB (upgradable to 8 CPU/up to 16 GB)
  • 200GB storage (upgradable to 1 TB)
価格オプション 日本向け価格 (税: excluded) 通貨: ¥ (JPY)

INCLUDED in each Drupal hosting plan:

  • Free domain name registration included
  • SSL証明書
  • 無制限の帯域幅
  • ドメイン名への関連付け (DNSレコード編集)
  • ウェブアクセラレータ (Varnish)
  • メールでのテクニカルサポート



Since Drupal is a Content Management System, as a platform it doesn’t offer domain names or web hosting in and of itself. It is therefore necessary to find your own Drupal web hosting solution. This arrangment actually provides several advantages when compared to ‘all-inclusive’ platforms, which include:

Drupal: ウェブ開発向けの専用ツール

Featuring PHP programming exclusively, Drupal is a CMS that incorporates a very impressive library of modules and allows for tremendous flexibility. The modules in this content management system also have the benefit of offering potentially unlimited interactivity. That means the number of modules gravitating around Drupal’s core can be increased any time a developer wants to integrate a feature that didn’t previously exist. That way, the platform constantly grows and becomes more substantial, especially with the right Drupal hosting plan.

This CMS also offers another special feature: that of providing administrators with an interface very similar to the website they are editing. This allows them to work quite intuitively. Yet, the PHP development environment doesn’t restrict expert web developers in any way, thanks to APIs and to over 4,000 functionalities.

With dedicated add-ons such as YoastSEO, Schema.org, Redirect, or Robotxt, search engine optimization for a Drupal website is made easy. Websites created with this CMS can get excellent rankings in search results.


Drupal hosting for your website

Among the benefits of hosting a Drupal website on a dedicated Drupal web hosting platform is the seamless experience it provides.

Once you have selected and purchased your domain name, you can connect it to your Drupal hosting with just a few clicks and start creating your website immediately. Our hosting solution complies with all the security protocols required for Drupal web hosting and you can be sure that any and all necessary updates are carried out at the best possible time.

You simply need to choose the best Drupal hosting option to suit your specific requirements, and then you modify it whenever you want or need to. Regardless of the size of your website or the amount of traffic it receives, your Drupal web hosting plan is the best Drupal hosting option for a flawless experience for your visitors every single time.

FAQ (よくある質問)

You can make sure you have the best Drupal hosting website performance by carefully choosing a Drupal web hosting pack big enough to support the traffic your site will be receiving. Here's how to get a PaaS server for Drupal hosting online with us in just a few minutes.

Find the best prices for your Drupal hosting needs:


  • Starter: With the Starter hosting pack, the programming language and database are, by default, set to PHP and MySQL.
  • Advanced: best Drupal hosting option for sites with a low amount of traffic
  • Pro: great Drupal web hosting option for dynamic sites or e-commerce sites with a moderate amount of traffic
  • Business: best Drupal hosting option for high-traffic e-commerce sites and blogs

Not sure which to try? If you don't know how many visitors will go to your site, no worries. From Gandi's administrative interface, you can easily upgrade your website hosting. We suggest starting with an Advanced pack and upgrade to a higher plan if you see that you need more power to handle the number of visitors to your websites.


  • 時間ごとの課金でいつでも解約可能
  • すぐに立ち上げ可能
  • 自分のニーズに合った設定が可能
  • クラウドリソースのサイズ変更はいつでも可能
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