SSL (TLS) Certificates

Gandi's SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate interface is high quality and easy to use without costing too much. Secure your website, keep user data secure, and build trust in your brand with an HTTPS web address for cheap—without sacrificing quality.

High value SSL certificates for an affordable price

Pricing Options Prices for France, taxes excluded, in € (EUR)

SSL/TLS at Gandi

  • Technically advanced

    Generate and manage your digital certificates from Gandi's simple and powerful dashboard. We are committed to website security as well as the security of your accounts and provide fine-tuned account access management along with state-of-the-art, multi-factor authentication.

    • 99% browser recognition
    • 384-bit encryption
  • Surprisingly affordable

    Gandi's range of SSL certificates—also known as https certificates—gives you to flexibility you need to build trust in your brand.

    • Below market rate for a single-address, standard SSL certificate
    • More than competitive pricing for a multi-domain Business EV SSL certificate (extended validation)
    • Comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee
    • Get a standard, single-address SSL/TLS certificate for FREE when you buy Gandi Web Hosting
  • Easy to use, easy to manage

    You can purchase and easily use a Gandi SSL certificate for any domain name or hosting, whether at Gandi or not. If you use Gandi's web hosting, get your free SSL certificate is automatically! Otherwise, easily generate and download your certificate to use with the hosting of your choice.

    • Install your certificate where you want
    • Get help creating your certificate from expert, in-house support
    • User-friendly, clear interface

Which SSL certificate type is right for me?

Standard—for basic HTTPS protection

Standard SSL certificates

Secure one or more sites with basic HTTPS protection. Perfect for blogs or small e-commerce sites.

  • Secure an administrative interface, a members-only space, an intranet, or webmail
  • Validate online—no extra validation steps required
  • Free for the first year with a Gandi domain
  • Free forever with Gandi web hosting

Starts at €24.99 excl. tax per year OR get yours free with Gandi Web Hosting.

Buy a standard SSL certificate

Pro—add validation and warranty

Pro SSL certificates

Protect one or more e-commerce websites with HTTPS, organization validation, and a financial warranty.

  • Available to businesses and organizations (but not individuals)
  • Verify your organization to build trust with your customers or users
  • Protect sensitive data with a financial warranty of $10,000, $100,000 or $250,000 in case of data breach

Starts at €44.99 excl. tax per year.

Buy a pro SSL certificate

Business—build maximum trust

Business SSL certificates

Reassure your customers and users of one or more large, popular e-commerce website's security by adding a business-level HTTPS certificate.

  • Protect highly sensitive data with the highest level of certificate security
  • Financial warranty up to $250,000
  • Build trust with customers when you validate your identity using extended validation (EV)

Starts at %(price)s per year.

Buy a Business SSL certificate

Why do I need an SSL certificate?

Data entered on websites that do not use SSL/TLS is not secure. That means if you accept financial information like credit card numbers, login information like usernames and passwords, or anything that either you or your website's users would want to keep private, you will need an SSL/TLS certificate.

  • How does the SSL protocol work?

    The SSL protocol, also sometimes referred to as the TLS protocol, makes it possible to establish a secure, encrypted connection between two computers. With this encrypted connection, visitors to your website can send sensitive information to you—including financial information, usernames, and passwords—without fear of these data getting stolen in transit. SSL certificates work using public key encryption.

    With this type of encryption, a website owner generates a private key and a public key algorithmically related to the private key. The private key is kept secret while the public key can be used by a website user to create a "shared secret," a cypher that is unique to a single connection using the SSL protocol which enables the creation of a secure connection.

    Learn more about what an SSL certificate is
  • Should you get an SSL/TLS certificate?

    The presence of a lock icon in the address bar of a website is also a key indicator of a secure and trustworthy website. Any website that deals with any kind of sensitive information should definitely get an SSL certificate. Even if your users do not make financial transactions on your website, though, an SSL certificate is a key indicator of your website's legitimacy and trustworthiness.

    Website's that use SSL also rank better in search engine results, meaning you can increase traffic to your website just by adding an SSL certificate to your website.

Single address, wildcard, or multi-domain SSL certificates?

In addition to your choice of standard, pro, or business SSL certificates, you can also choose how many domains are covered with a single digital certificate.

Single address SSL certificates

  • Also called a single domain SSL certificate, covers one domain name, plus its www subdomain

Wildcard SSL certificates

  • Covers one domain name and all subdomains

Multi-domain SSL certificates

  • Covers multiple domain names—up to 20 domain names—with one SSL certificate

Buy an SSL certificate

Why Gandi?

  • 20+ years of experience

    Since 1999, Gandi has built our company on technical expertise, customer loyalty, and word-of-mouth marketing.

  • Datacenters in Europe

    Your site data is hosted in France in one of Gandi's datacenters making sure your data stays private and that you maintain control.

  • Round the clock support, 6 days per week

    Problems can't be scheduled. Get help at any time of day or night from our experts on multiple support channels, 24 hours per day, 6 days per week.

FAQ / frequently asked questions

To get a URL starting with https and to secure your website with SSL/TLS, you can add any of the following SSL/TLS or https certificate types:

To help secure your website or web server and get a URL starting with https, choose an SSL or https certificate from among the SSL certificate options we offer, from Standard to Wildcard to Business extended validation certificates (EV SSL certificate), all at great prices. Each domain registered at Gandi also comes with a free 1-year standard single-address SSL certificate.

For customers with Gandi Web Hosting, we provide a free, standard SSL certificate that can be automatically installed for you.

Otherwise, you are free to use your SSL certificates anywhere you need, by generating your own CSR (certificate signing request), and following the entire procedure on the SSL certificate installation on your website or web server.

Gandi's SSL certificates provide assurances of the security of your site by displaying:

  • "https: //" in the website address
  • A padlock icon in the address bar

The user can see the details of the https certificate by clicking the padlock icon in the URL address bar, including:

  • The name of the owner of the website
  • The name of the SSL Certificate Authority (CA)
  • The SSL certificate validity dates
  • Etc...

All SSL certificates we offer are delivered by a Certificate Authority (CA) who guarantees a high level of security, no matter what type of SSL certificate you choose for your website. That being said, here's what each type of https certificate we offer is used for:

  • Standard SSL certificate: protects one or several websites. Only the domain name is verified by th Certificate Authority through an online validation process. This type of https certificate can be used on personal sites, content sites, or showcase sites that do not directly handle payments, since it has no warantee on financial transactions. - NB: even if transactions are managed through an external app (e.g. Paypal) you can still use this type SSL certificate.
  • Professional SSL certificate: secures one or several websites with a warantee on financial transactions. A Professional SSL certificate offers a higher level of validation. With this type of SSL/TLS (secure sockets layer/transport layer security) or https certificate, the Certificate Authority also validates the organization itself, and therefore can only be purchased by companies that can prove their real, legal existence. As such, this type of SSL certificate is only available for businesses or other legal entities.
  • Business SSL certificate (EV): secures one or several websites with a higher warantee regarding financial transactions. It offers the highest degree of security as it requires the Certificate Authority to perform the most extensive verification (known as Extended Validation, or EV) of your identity. This type of SSL/TLS or https certificate is only available for businesses or other legal entities.

On these types of SSL certificate, you can also protect more than one address:

  • Multi-domain - available on the Standard and Business SSL certificate: The multi-domain SSL certificate option can prove more cost-effective than purchasing and managing more than one single-address https certificate.
  • Wildcard - Available for Standard and Pro SSL certificates: Wildcard SSL certificates not only do everything single-address SSL certificates do, they also protect every subdomain for a given domain. It is easier to manage if you have many subdomains to secure with SSL/TLS, and can be quite cost effective.

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