.amsterdam 域名價格




  • 能保護您網域的免費SSL憑證
  • Gandi 的 LiveDNS 名稱伺服器支援 Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 個別名與轉址位址

.amsterdam 網域名稱的價格



  • 110



  • 續用域名的最小期間



  • 19
  • 最後續約時間 (已暫停域名):網域名稱到期後 45 天內 — $3,056.00
價格選項 適用臺灣地區的價格 (稅:);幣別:$ (TWD)



最後續約日的 30 天後








5 天


.amsterdam 網域名稱的規則與細節



分配: .AMSTERDAM 域名開放給所有人註冊。

語法: 3 至 63 個英數符號或 1 個連字符號(開頭、結尾不得為連字符號)
國際字元(IDN): 不支援
註冊期限: 1 到 10 年


Assigning: .AMSTERDAM domain names are open to everyone.
From the 28th of April to the 28th of May, 2015 the Sunrise is open to the owner of trademarks registered with the TMCH who owns a valid SMD file.
Local Government Limited Registration Period
The Local Government Limited Registration Period runs from the 29th of May to the 31st of May, 2015.
This phase is designed to allow the local government to register their own names and the names of the places (e.g streets and boroughs) in their municipality. These names are determined in the City administration and allocated by the Registry. Their registration can not be performed online through Our website. Please contact the support team to finalize the operation once You will have the Registry approval.
The Landrush runs from the 1st of June to the 14th of August, 2015.
The applications during Landrush will be ranked as follows:
1. Applications from Public Authorities with a physical address in Amsterdam for names to which they demonstrate a prior right
2. Applications from Public authorities with no physical address in Amsterdam for Domain Names to which they demonstrate prior right
3. Applications from entities (companies and organizations) with a physical address in Amsterdam for domain names to which they demonstrate to be holding a prior right, including and limited to: trademarks registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property or the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, business name and/or trading names (including clear variations and/or abbreviations thereof)
4. Applications from entities (companies and organizations ) with no physical address in Amsterdam for name to which they demonstrate a prior right : registered trademarks with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property or the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, business name and/or trading names (including clear variations and/or abbreviations thereof);
5. Applications from associations in the City of Amsterdam, like associations of shopkeepers within a named geographical area (street, square, quarter and the like) of the City, claiming the name of the geographical area as a domain name
6. Applications from individuals with a physical address in Amsterdam for names to which they demonstrate a prior right : individual name;
7. applications from both entities (companies and organizations) and individuals with a physical address in Amsterdam but no demonstrable prior right to domain name
8. applications from both entities (companies and organizations) and individuals with no physical address in Amsterdam but no demonstrable prior right to a domain name

Syntax: from 3 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place and third and fourth place)
IDN (accented domain names): no
Registration period: 1 year during Sunrise, Local Government Limited Registration Period and Landrush
from 1 to 10 years during Sunrise

Second-level extensions: no


Renewal: no later than 45 days before the expiration date domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date
Disputes: UDRP / URS / Alternative dispute resolution procedures
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, will not expire in less than 90 days, is older than 60 days and was not transferred the past 60 days. The successful transfer depends on your validation (by e-mail), and will renew the domain for 1 year.
Change of Ownership: available online via our website. The expiration date remains unchanged
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table

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