.post domain names



.post is an extension reserved to postal services.

若要註冊此域名需訂閱 Gandi 企業客戶服務。

此域名只開放有訂閱 Gandi 企業客戶服務的顧客註冊,請聯絡我們的企業客戶服務團隊以瞭解詳情。

This extension requires subscribing to Gandi's Corporate Services.

This extension is only available for customers that have subscribed to a Gandi Corporate Services contract. For more information please contact our Corporate Services team.

.post 網域名稱的規則與細節

Technical Operator
Creation date


Terms & Conditions

Assigning: .‭POST is a restricted Sponsored TLD: All applications must complete a verification process and‬ 30-day opposition period without any filed objections. .POST is intended for stakeholders in the‬ postal, logistics and supply-chain sectors. In November, 2023, the UPU added eligibility for all‬ trademark owners to register second-level. ‭

Three conditions must be met before a domain is registered:‬

  1. Verification documentation provided‬
  2. ‭30 days have passed without objection‬
  3. ‭Payment has been received‬

. POST applicants must upload documentation of their business identity, such as license‬ number, VAT or Employee Tax ID.‬ I‭n addition, Trademark Sunrise applicants should include evidence of rights in their applied-for‬ strings.‬

All .POST applications are published for a minimum 30-day opposition period.‬ ‭ Submitted applications are published on the Notices page at ‬‭https://trust.post/requested-domains‬ immediately upon submission.‬ I‭f anyone objects to an application, they must complete the Dispute form located on the Notices‬ page.

Syntax: From 3 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place).

IDN (accented domain names): Yes.

Registration period: 1 to 10 years.

Second-level extensions: Yes.

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