Dominios .香港



.香港 (xn--j6w193g) is the official ccTLD of Hong Kong in Chinese.

¿Qué viene incluido con su dominio?

  • un certificado SSL gratuito para proteger su nombre de dominio;
  • servidores de nombre LiveDNS (Anycast + DNSSEC)
  • 10 000 alias y dirección de reenvío

This extension requires subscribing to Gandi's Corporate Services.

This extension is only available for customers that have subscribed to a Gandi Corporate Services contract. For more information please contact our Corporate Services team.

.香港 domain prices


33,88 €

per year
  • For 1 year


33,88 €

  • 不會改變到期日


72,60 €

per year
  • For 1 year
  • Late renewal (domain suspended): 29 days after the domain's expiration date - 72,60 €
Pricing Options Prices for España, taxes included, in € (EUR)

Other prices and periods


60 days after the late renewal period
Contact us

Owner Change

14,52 €


Rules and particularities of .香港 domain names


HKIRC (Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd)


HKDNR (Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited)

Fecha de creación


El .香港 en

Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited by HKDNR since December 2009.


Assigning: .香港 domains are open to everyone.

Syntax: 15 Chinese characters maximum, letters or numbers in total.

IDN (accented domain names): Chinese characters.

Registration period: 1 year.

Second-level extensions:公司.香港, reserved to company registered with the Commercial Registrar of Hong-Kong (HKSARG); a copy of your certificate of registration must be sent to Gandi after your online order.


Registration: You have to provide the following:

  • Individual: ID document type (ie: passport ...), origin country of the ID document, ID number and birth date.
  • Individual in Hong Kong: HKID card number.
  • Company: company document type + origin country of the document, company/registration number.

Renewal: Domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 29 days following the expiration date.

Disputes: Alternative dispute resolution procedure.

Transfer (change of Registrar): The request is launched from the website of the domain's new registrar. Be sure that you have the domain's auth code (which you must get from the former registrar) and that the domain does not expire soon. The transfer must be confirmed by email and the expiration date remains unchanged.

Change of Ownership: Not available on our interface, please contact our customer service department.

Deletion process: Quarantine of 60 days, see this table.

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Para ayudarle a proteger su sitio web, ponemos a su disposición una amplia oferta de certificados SSL:

Nos aseguramos de que le resulte muy fácil instalar y utilizar la plataforma de código abierto Nextcloud, lo que le permitirá no solo almacenar y compartir archivos, sino también trabajar de manera colaborativa. ¡Tenga un control total sobre sus datos en línea!

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